We have one month kuroilers chicks which are we'll vaccinated and managed and we sell at 8000/= and this chicks when you buy you can raise for two to three months and you sell at 30,000/= to 50,000/= depending on management.
We also have local chicken at the farm that we can arrange and deliver right where you are at a good price.
Apiary, rabbitry, piggery and horticultural crops are still at initial stage and we use it for training so that our customers can go start such a lucrative agricultural ventures.
We are concerned about climate change and so being situated along the water source, we demonstrate different types of irrigation system suited for your farm. . This can be on order.
We have expertise who are ready to give you technical trainings on different agricultural ventures at a relatively cheaper price.
Th director for Ken Organic Mixed Farm is Mr. Akena Andrew who holds a master degree in climate and society, Mekelle University, Ethiopia and a Bachelor degree in Agriculture, Gulu University, Uganda