The founders of NOTRE VOIX are youths who met in Nyarugusu refugees camp in Tanzania
when they flew there due to the civil war that started in 1986 in the Eastern DR Congo. We have been
since then although went to different places for studies and work who met together working for different
organizations but in the same territory. After realizing that we are all together, we decided to create a
community organization to solve different problems within the community. Given that three of us have
studied health related courses and only one of us studied economy, we have decided to start a project
in which the majority of us have expertise so that we can be able to volunteer and reach our fixed goals.
We have conducted a survey with our own contribution in order to identify the major problems within
the community that needs to be resolved urgently so that we can seek for funds for well identified
problem. We are confident to deliver the best services to our community. So many health-related
problems were identified, the major ones being Malaria, maternal death due lack of pre-natal
consultation and adequate health structure, malnutrition and lastly waterborne diseases (diarrhea,
typhoid, cholera, dysentery etc.…) which are killing a large number of people particularly children.